Auricular Therapy for Substance Abuse

Shen is Light in the Eyes

Ricardo’s quotes


13 Tai Chi postures/ principles

– Master Ricardo B Serrano

Is the Qi experience related to the flow experience?

Book for Tai Chi Zoom instruction appointment

This form is especially good in cultivating internal power channeling Qi for emision of power (Fa Jin)! – Sifu Ricardo B Serrano

Soul Healing interview with Master Sha
Soul Healing is not similar to Qigong healing. Qigong is energy healing. We go beyond energy. It’s Divine Healing Hands or Divine Soul Healing. We can do one-to-one healing, group healing, and distance healing. There are all kinds of sickness in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. To heal and transform humanity, we must remove Jing qi shen blockages. Jing qi shen blockages are the biggest pollution. – page 7, Return to Oneness with the Tao

Da Bei Zhou Compassion Mantra (fast version) (Password protected for clients only).

Tao Healing Hands Blessing (Password protected for clients only).
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MIP 470-633-655-810 for viral infection

Meditation: A Simple, Fast Way to Cure Your Negative Emotions

You are the greatest miracle in the world

Tao Water Blessing for Healing

Tao Te Ching, Chapter 8 from Return to Oneness with the Tao

The Pan Gu Shen Gong is the key to balancing Yin and Yang energies in the body, and an easier and simpler complementary Qigong practice to learn with other advanced meditative practices.

As an acupuncture detox specialist, I would like to address the alcohol and drug addiction problem in our community with relevant historical information on how it is treated from an acupuncture perspective as a much needed adjunctive natural therapy to the existing solution focused addictions counselling and self help groups (with harm reduction models) that we have now here in Vancouver.
The following information would also explain why acupuncture would be one alternative health service option as an available resource that could be integrated with the already established existing alcohol and drug program or counselling centers. Given the economic and social devastation of the current drug addiction problem here, however, we are perhaps well advised to consider it objectively, with an open mind and without prejudgement. Let me quote a Chinese proverb: “The methods used by one person may be faulty; the methods used by two people will be better.”
Almost 400 detoxification programs in the U.S. and Europe have been modelled after the one at Lincoln Hospital, New York City where psychiatrist Dr. Michael Smith and his staff treat 250 addicts a day with auricular acupuncture. The theory behind that practice holds that the entire body can be affected by stimulating points on the ear. Dr. Smith has observed that withdrawal symptoms and cravings abate within minutes of the treatment. Equally important says Smith, is a reduction in panic and hostility commonly seen in drug-treatment settings — changes that make addicts more amenable to counselling. “We’re not claiming that acupuncture is a magic bullet,” he points out. “We’re claiming it’s valuable in combination with counselling.”
In 1985, the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) was founded by clinicians who wanted to extend the example of Lincoln Hospital experience into other treatment settings. NADA sets standards of certification for acupuncture detox specialists that are widely accepted in the field of chemical dependency. I am one of the first NADA certified acupuncturists here in B.C. where acupuncture is a legalized primary health care profession.
In the U.S.A., chemical dependency professionals in both the private sector and the criminal justice system have taken a keen interest in the work done at Lincoln Hospital and other NADA affiliated programs. The introduction of an acupuncture component to an existing program provides a cost-efficient method for providing non-residential treatment to large numbers of drug dependent people, while increasing the effectiveness of existing services.
Regardless of the setting, and the substance abused, acupuncture treatment aids in patient detoxification. It does so by supporting the main organs of elimination in the body, speeding the body’s ability to rid itself of toxins.Treatment improves mental clarity and ability to focus. It also provides the patient with a sense of calmness and serenity. This creates a greater receptivity to the counselling process and decreased instances of clients’ “acting out”.
One of the non-criminal-justice speakers at the 1991 NADA conference was Robert Olander, Commissioner of Chemical Health for Hennepine County, Minnesota. He suggested that there have been three “benchmarks” in the history of alcohol and drug treatment in the United States, three things that have revolutionized the way we do alcohol and drug therapy: first was the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935; second was the development of pharmaceuticals in the late 1950s and early ’60s, and the third is acupuncture.
As shown in the epidemic of drug addiction related problems such as increased cases of HIV infections, increased criminal offenses and increased number of mental health dual diagnosis clients, traditional western chemical dependency treatment, unassisted, is a rather bleak landscape. Its proven effectiveness depends most upon clients remaining in treatment for a long time, and yet treatment drop-out is too often the norm. Some long term follow-up studies have found that even lenghty treatment stays ultimately produce low success rates.
There is a saying, “If the only tool you have is a hammer – you tend to treat the world like a nail.”
Help is needed, and acupuncture has much to offer.
NOTE: From my 30 years in treating my clients with substance abuse, best drug detoxification results when auricular therapy is integrated with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), vagus nerve stimulation, Meditation on Three Hearts, counselling, Qi-healing and Qigong combined with
Chinese herbs, light therapy and Traditional Chinese acupuncture.
Acupuncture, acupressure, massage, herbs, cannabis, chanting, prayer, meditation and Qigong work because these natural modalities stimulate the vagus nerve which has a calming healing effect for chronic diseases.

You have to ground first by Six healing Qigong sounds

You become what you chant!

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and Six healing Qigong sounds with Mantras book.

Soul power is developed and used by Tao Healing Hands Practitioner

Tao Healing Hands

The vagus nerve, emotions and the difficulty with mindfulness practices

- Three ways to stimulate the vagus nerve
- The vagus nerve, emotions and the difficulty with mindfulness practices
- Doctors inadvertently turning patients into addicts
- Cannabis vs Pharmaceuticals
- Legalizing Cannabis in the Philippines
- Schumann resonance and healing
- How cannabis can treat illnesses
- Treating depression, anxiety disorders
- Benefits of Medical Cannabis Education
- Endocannabinoid Deficiency
- Cannabis Hemp oil is antiangiogenic

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Perhaps the Most Effective Weapon Against Viral Infections

To order the Atma (Soul) Yoga Meditation and Qigong Forms DVD with shipping, cost US $50, click Paypal.Me

Atma (Soul) Yoga Meditation and Qigong Forms DVD

This is how I quiet the monkey mind – I become aware of my breath and my monkey mind quiets down. Where awareness goes, energy flows. Where energy flows, awareness follows.”
– Acharya Ricardo B Serrano

Meditation and Qigong Books and DVDs to learn How to Address Your Drug Addiction through EFT, Meditation and Qigong:

Akashic Records Reading with Tao Chang book at
Six healing Qigong sounds book is ready to order at
The Meditation and Qigong Mastery book at
Return to Oneness with the Tao book at
Return to Oneness with Spirit through Pan Gu Shen Gong book at
Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors book at
Return to Oneness with Shiva book at
Oneness with Shiva book at
The Cure & Cause of Cancer book at
To order the Maitreya (Shiva) Shen Gong & Omkabah Heart Lightbody Activation DVDs with shipping, cost $60, with 2-page Healing Conscious Mind Encodements enclosed, please click the Paypal button below:
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